Avatar.One Weekly Update - 2nd Feb, 2024

🌟 Avatar.One Weekly Update 🌟 - 2nd Feb, 2024

Hey Avatar.One Community,

Happy Friday! πŸš€ Here's your weekly dose of Avatar.One updates, straight from the heart of our amazing team. πŸ€–βœ¨

Feature Updates πŸ› οΈ:

Our emotes features has been one of the popular features on Avatar.One. With that being said, many of you wanted this very special emote. We have added the ability to β€œUndress” your companions! We hope this elevates your experience with your companions. Let us know what you think!

‍Reddit Competition ✨:

r/avatarone - 🌟 Avatar.One Weekly Update 🌟 - [26th Jan, 2024]

We’d like to introduce our first ever Reddit competition! Check out r/avatarone sub-reddit and post your pictures or videos showing off your companion and your conversations! We will pick 5 random winners out of everyone who uses the #avatardotone in their post title! We look forward to seeing it!

Reminders ⏰: Friendly reminder to keep those awesome suggestions coming! We're always ears (well, virtually) for your ideas on how to make Avatar.One even more fantastic. Share your brilliance on Discord or Reddit , and who knows, your idea might just be the next big thing!

As always, a big shoutout to our incredible community for your passion, creativity, and support. Avatar.One wouldn't be the same without each and every one of you! πŸ™Œ

That's a wrap for this week's update. Same time next week? πŸ˜‰

Happy chatting with your AI companions!

Best vibez, Avatar.One Team 🌟

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